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Game Zone / Re: Isolation
« Last post by Pringle on March 18, 2015, 12:20:57 pm »
Esser (Com)::Deck 6, Aft::Healthy::
Hutton (Eng)::Deck 6, Aft::Healthy::
Jarman (Ops)::Deck 6, Aft::Healthy::
Lentz (Med)::Deck 6, Aft::Healthy::Flashlight
Baklid (Tac)::Deck 6, Aft::Minor Injuries::

The orange suited Cadet Jarman rolls around on the floor and mumbles to himself before eventually getting to his feet. He seems to have caught the gist of what is happening and starts querying the computer - which responds in it’s now predictable stuttering voice, though it seems like it is slowly improving.

“Internal communications are are partially operational. A shipwide broadcast may may be possible from a command console. Command consoles are situated in the the following locations: Bridge, fore section, deck three; Captain’s Office, fore section, deck deck three; Captain’s Quarters, mid section, deck four; Engineering, aft section, decks four and five.”

Once Cadet Esser has established that there are no senior officers in the immediate vicinity he turns back to your group and asks for a status report.

Cadet Hutton instinctively stands to attention and relays what he has found out so far about the state of the ship, he further advises that they head to engineering to see if they can get the internal sensors back online and proceeds to ask for directions.

“Current location: deck six, aft section. Engineering is located on decks four four and five, aft section. The nearest elevator is approximately 30 meters port port from this location.”

Then he asks whether anyone has any equipment with them.

As per a previous post, for security reasons all of your equipment was taken off you before you came aboard for your tour. There is a basic toolbox in the room and Cadet Lentz has picked up a flashlight.

Before anyone can do anything else the yellow suited tactical Cadet groans, mutters something and looks around, he rubs his head for a moment and his hand comes away wet with blood. He looks at his hand and blinks a few times without seeming to be fully aware of what’s happening.
Game Zone / Re: Isolation
« Last post by Inveracity on March 18, 2015, 10:48:08 am »
Cadet Baklid awakens and mutters weakly to himself "the reaper-man.. awakens" and then holds a hand to his head. He has a severe headache. His hand feel wet from touching his head. It's blood. Cadet Baklid whispers for help but phases in and out of consciousness.
Game Zone / Re: Isolation
« Last post by Relequestual on March 18, 2015, 09:32:44 am »
"Hold up Jarman!..."

"Commander! Internal sensers are down, and the computer is having... problems. I would advise against a ship wide communication even if it's possible... we don't know what's out there yet. I suggest we try to make our way to engineering to fix the internal sensers to get a better idea of what's going on!"

Still without any idea as to the layout or schematic of the ship...

"Computer: How do I get to [engineering] from my current location?"

While waiting for a response, Hutton checks his pockets for anything useful...

"Commander, should everyone, err.. check what they currently have with them? I mean, did we come onto a ship without any equipment on our person?"
Game Zone / Re: Isolation
« Last post by Jargon on March 18, 2015, 08:47:58 am »
Slowly the blackness gives way to haze, but the world feels like it's still spinning. Disoriented, Cadet Jarman rolls over to right himself and calls out "Mrrhhmrrffll." then realises he's now face to the floor. Ok, let's try that again he thinks and rolls over again and opens his eyes. The world slowly comes into focus and he props himself up.

"What on Earth just happened?" he utters as he tries to make sense of things through the fog in his mind. "What is wrong with the computer?" he thinks for a moment. "Wait... did... did the computer say there are two Humphreys!?"

Cadet Jarman gets up and walks over to the computer terminal and asks "Computer, are internal communications still operational? Are you able to open a ship-wide comm channel?"
Game Zone / Re: Isolation
« Last post by Titan on March 17, 2015, 04:48:37 pm »
After calling out, with no response, for the Commander, Andy begins to check the room, and the hallway outside. The automatic doors took some convincing to open, only opening partially or simply refusing to budge, until finally one side slid open and Andy was able to to pop his outside the room. The corridor was dimly lit, and there seemed to be a faint haze and burning smell.

He turned back into the room. He could see his classmate, Lentz, moving between the other cadets checking them for concussions.

"Report?" He said, to no-one in particular, but hoping the medic and an engineer might shed some light on the situation.
Game Zone / Re: Isolation
« Last post by Pringle on March 17, 2015, 04:16:04 pm »
A black suited Cadet starts calling out for the Commander, he takes a few steps towards the door which begrudgingly slides open to show the corridor outside (the lights out there are also dimmed but at least they aren't flickering). Unfortunately there is no response to his calls.

Meanwhile another Cadet in a blue medical jump suit gets to his feet, he brushes himself off and admires his physique before asking if anyone needs any medical attention. He spots a toolkit over one side of the room and grabs a handheld flashlight from it.

The green suited engineering Cadet continues to query the computer which tries it's best to keep up with his questions.

"Computer: Show me a ship schematic, authorisation ... just show me a schematic... please. AND, what is the status of this vessel and its crew? What's the current complement?"

"This terminal is... is... incapable of providing a... a... graphical display."
"The S... S... S... S... A Isolation has not yet been commissioned. No permanent crew... crew... have been assigned. According to ship's logs the following officers are currently... currently... on board: Commander Halbert, Lieutenant Commander Humphreys, Lieutenant Commander Humphreys, Lieutenant Clementson, Sub-Lieutenant Evans. Locations... locations unknown. Internal sensors are... are... offline."
Game Zone / Re: Isolation
« Last post by Relequestual on March 17, 2015, 03:41:05 pm »
"Computer: Show me a ship schematic, authorisation ... just show me a schematic... please. AND, what is the status of this vessel and its crew? What's the current complement?"
Game Zone / Re: Isolation
« Last post by Zeis on March 17, 2015, 03:33:28 pm »
Cadet Lentz comes to, groaning like the rest. He tries to quickly snap out of the confusion, first checking himself for any signs of injury before attending the others; "Is everyone ok? Anyone need medical assistance?"

Lentz looks around the room, looking for some sort of light to check everyones pupil diletions for signs of head trauma.
Game Zone / Re: Isolation
« Last post by Titan on March 17, 2015, 03:20:38 pm »
Cadet Andy Esser opened his eyes, his head was pounding like he'd spent the night drinking and his gut was feeling much the same way.

He slowly raises his head to look around, nothing seems familiar. He can hear groans from other people but his vision is still blurry. He sits up and lean's against the bulkhead and tries to get his focus back. After a minute or so he can can focus his eyes and is able to see a number of his classmates in a similar situation, as well as some people he didn't recognise, but were also wearing cadet jumpsuits. He makes a mental note that there are no others wearing Command black stripes.

He can see one Cadet seemingly talking to himself, presumably trying to get the attention of the ships computer and another at a console in the corner.

"Commander! Commander? Where are you?" He calls out...
Game Zone / Re: Isolation
« Last post by Pringle on March 17, 2015, 03:16:25 pm »
The engineer, Hutton, approaches the computer terminal on the wall and asks his question, it takes a moment before a jittery synthesised female voice responds.

"No... No... No... senior officer has been... been... been... assigned as Cap... Cap... Captain of the S... S... S... S... S... S... A Isolation."
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